Literary Nonfiction

"We do not stop time’s passage in writing: we understand it." –Diane Comer

Diane Comer, PhD

Writer — Teacher — Researcher

"My Favorite Boot"

"I was born in Italy, halfway between Verona and Venice, in Palladio’s city of Vicenza. I’m Italian by birth, not blood, but I’m Italian, truly, by nature. I like family, naps, food, and wine. I like art, architecture, espresso, and stylish, glorious, effortless clothes. I like well-woven wool and gorgeous yarn, some skeins tangled with phosphorescence...."

My Favorite Boot in North American Review, Fall 2023
North American Review

Founded in 1815, the North American Review is the USA's oldest literary magazine. Among its contributors: Charles Eliot Norton, Henry James, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, John Steinbeck, Mark Twain, H.G. Wells, Walt Whitman, Margaret Atwood, Raymond Carver, Donald Justice, Yosef Komunyakaa, Kurt Vonnegut, Barry Lopez, and Joyce Carol Oates.




Diane was an invited speaker at the 2021 Under Rough Ridge Writers' Retreat, noted in Pallas Hupe Cotter's Central Sunday write-up.
     Also, see Diane's interview in Down in Edin Magazine (Sept. 2019, issue 18).

Other Writing

"Often what propels us forward is absence, not presence" — read selected passages in this section of Literary Nonfiction.

Current & Forthcoming Courses

How does the story help?

Personal Essay Workshop
2 May – 20 June 2024

For five centuries, the personal essay has flourished as the genre of discovery, driven by the writer’s own habit of inquiry and attention. As individual and curious as the writer’s own mind, the personal essay reflects Montaigne’s maxim that 'Every man has within himself the entire human condition'. This 8-week interactive workshop invites you to chart your own thinking and experience in non-fiction’s most versatile form of writing....

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Writing Memoir
Writing Memoir

Through writing a memoir we realise how much we live forwards and understand backwards. Memoirs combine narration with reflection, and from the wealth of images and memory a story emerges that is known only to and through you. This interactive workshop invites you to explore and shape your own life experience in writing. Over eight weeks, you will build on your writing from week to week ....   

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Creative Nonfiction
Creative Nonfiction Workshop

“No maps or anything, just words. But words leading precisely to what I searched for.” – Odysseas Elytis
The genres of fiction and nonfiction share more than they separate, and this interactive workshop is designed to explore where they overlap. Sharing your writing and commenting on your peer’s work is an integral part of this workshop. You will receive tailored written feedback from the tutor on the pieces you write throughout the course. Over eight sessions, you will explore ....

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Contact Diane

phone 022 510 2910 in New Zealand
phone +64 225 102 910 for international calls