
Launched by Golriz Ghahraman MP
2 May 2019 | 6 p.m.
Unity Books
57 Willis Street 



Launched by Ruth Todd
16 June 2019  |  3 p.m.

AFTERGLOW review of The Braided River


Harry Ricketts reviews The Braided River on Radio New Zealand

Diane’s “To be a migrant in NZ” on Newsroom

Diane’s answers to the Unity Books questionnaire

ordering options include

Otago University Press

Unity Books

Another Chapter Bookshop

NZ Nationwide Book Distributors

Amazon Books

Credits & Thanks

Photographer Randy Hanna captured the braided river image on the book cover.
Lisa Elliot designed the book cover.
Book cover copy was wordsmithed by Evan Elliot.
Photographs of Diane were taken by Ebony Lamb.
Book editing was by Paula Wagemaker for Otago University Press.

Contact Diane

phone 022 510 2910 in New Zealand
phone +64 225 102 910 for international calls